Thermo fluid dynamic solver platform comprising:
- System intelligent SmartModel for the quick setup of large pre-defined systems
- A linear algebraic solver for component level system solutions
AEON SmartModel
SmartModel has system intelligence that allows the detailed setup of systems, from a high-level specification, while still allowing the user to make component specific modifications.
SmartModel, for new systems, can be added by defining the connection strategy for components and expanding the components library.
AEON Solver
The relevant system- and component equations are solved in parallel. Various parameters are monitored during simulations, ensuring proper solver execution. The available post processor provides results output in various formats.
- SmartModel allows the day-to-day user to perform complex simulations, usually reserved for expert users, with minimum effort and input.
- Adverse effects, like flow maldistributions, can be quantified with detailed component level models, made easy with SmartModel.

1 – 20 seconds
for a 72 cell ACC

in a large ACC simulation

10 000+
per simulation

A toolkit to solve the 3D flow field in the vicinity of air-cooled condensers (ACCs) through sub models create in OpenFOAM. The model is ideal for system performance analyses due to wind and wind mitigation studies (e.g. wind screens, baffles, fan diffusers, etc). Two distinquishing models being the PLUME FanModel (Actuator Disc type model) based on blade element theory and the PLUME HXModel, an isolated porous heat exchanger model.
Plume HXModel
An isolated porous model, where all losses and heat transfer is modelled and validated against published research [1].
Thermal characteristics are modelled using the Ny-Ry approach to accurately represent the bundle characteristics, but expandible for other methodologies.
Model is easily modified to allow for representation of plant-specific heat exchanger bundles.
Modelling of individual bundles (e.g. per cell or per dephlegmator unit in the case of ACC) is accommodated.
Plume FanModel
Axial flow fans are modelled through an Actuator-Disc Model (ADM). Blade element theory is used to calculate blade forces on surrounding flow field and has been widely used in academic research [1] [2] [3].
[1] R. A. Engelbrecht, C. J. Meyer and S. J. van der Spuy, “Modeling Strategy for the Analysis of Forced Draft Air-Cooled Condensers Using Rotational Fan Models,” ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 51011-51019, 2019.
[2] G. D. Thiart and T. W. von Backström, “Numerical simulation of the flow field near an axial flow fan operating under distorted inflow conditions,” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 189-214, 1993.
[3] C. J. Meyer and D. G. Kröger, “Numerical simulation of the flow field in the vicinity of an axial flow fan,” Internation Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 947-969, 2001.
- PLUME FanModel is fully capable of accurately representing downstream flow characteristics including swirl.
- Fan power consumption is predicted by the model allowing for accurate representation of overall plant auxiliary power consumption.
- Plume FanModel is easily modifiable to accommodate plant-specific axial flow fans.

30 x 106
cells in domain

days for a converged solution

order of simulation accuracy

A digital plant model running concurrently with a real plant, drawing inputs from DCS and local weather data. This presents the owner/operator with real-time data to the detail of each component in the plant and useful for:
- Performance forecasts based on weather predictions.
- Overall plant health.
- Improved maintenance predictions.
- Faster fault finding.
- Improved estimates of CAPEX payback periods.